My second lesson was slightly less terrifying, mainly because it wasn't the 1st lesson. But seeing as we had a teacher replacing our regular one it was all introductions again!
This cover teacher was extremely comfortable in her herself and spoke with confidence which made the lesson much more fast paced. She also had a way of pushing us all that was at times frightening but thought provoking. We spent the lesson learning about character building and the importance of it. For me this was all new as I have never created characters or stories for that matter.
What was evident was the importance of knowing your character inside out, knowing their flaws, their 'issues' because we all have them. Knowing what they love and hate with specific examples i.e she loved dogs, but which ones in particular? I learnt that for many authors a story begins with the creation of a character, the development of this person and asking what does this person want and whats stopping them? And in this way the journey starts. What happen in the story is much more dependent on your characters personality than on the situations because they dictate the reactions that will take place. Though all this left me baffled I have to admit I found it fascinating and admire writers that much more for their creativity.
The quick task in the lesson was to find a person (real or made up) and describe them in 3 words, then give specific examples of this. None of us were very specific or detailed it has to be said. We had to know characters favorite songs, food, company they worked for etc etc we were quizzed on every aspect. How this is achieved is beyond me. I think I would struggle describing even the people I know convincingly. But I wont be deterred, at least I feel my brain is engaging in something rather than sitting on my ever growing backside watching tv or some such thing I would normally do on a Tuesday evening.
Thanks to your classes (and to your blog) even I am learning something about writing! I am glad you are enjoying it. It looks like you are less terrified than the 1st time round ;) Keep it up