21 January 2013

Be careful what you wish for....

I recently heard that on average 1 in 5 of us actually have the job we dreamt of.

As anyone who knows me would tell you I am perhaps the most indecisive person you could meet, add to this my inability to trust my own thoughts and intelligence and the result is....well me of course.Let's go through what I wanted to be....

I wanted to be a vet, but hated the idea of seeing animals in pain. I only wanted to get paid to play and cuddle them (if there is a job like this, where do I sign? ).

I wanted to be a dancer, don't judge me, but come on!... Getting paid to dance,  how fun would that be?

I wanted to be a singer, that was a bubble that burst as quickly as it formed. Happy feet has a fabulous voice in comparison my only skill would be the ability to memorize song lyrics.

I wanted to go into animation, but without the hours spent learning programs and scripts. I just wanted to wake up knowing how to create wonderful characters. Forget the endless hours of planning and preparing this didn't enthuse me. Patience when creating things is not a virtue I posses.

I wanted to be a photographer, again because taking snaps here and there and having an excuse to travel seemed ideal. By no means did I take into account the hours spent trying to get 'the shot' or even the sort of pictures I would take.

Surely the pattern is becoming visible... I didn't really look into anything in depth these were all wishes on a whim. But I was a kid and everything seemed possible and it seemed like you would simply select and the skills would immediately become embedded in your brain.

My parents who came to London from Colombia to improve their financial future spent most of my childhood cleaning and they recall how once I had the cheek to say the following....
'When I grow up I will have my own cleaning company so that you both will always have a job.' 

And what do I do now you wonder?

Well, I work for a cleaning company!!! I don't own it and I don't clean but there is no denying that I should have been more careful with what I wished for.

What did you dream of becoming? And did you make it?

P.S. Quick note about this 1 in 5. I know more than 5 people and not one of them is doing what they wished for. Is the statistic not so reliable or do non achievers attract each other? :)


  1. Hahaha, your post made me laugh, especially the P.S. note. I can totally relate to all this.
    You and I have a few things in common, and being indecisive is one of them. My whole life I was wondering what I would become in the future. Same as you in my head I wanted to be a vet (honestly, because of my love for animals), singer as well (but that was when I was very young, and it ended, when my granddad commented on my singing in the bathroom... I was so embarrassed that somebody actually heard me singing that then I stopped for good). After that I liked a few other things (one of them was also the photography)but didn't think I was good enough in anything, and also there wasn't any support or push on behalf of my family (not that I blame them for what I am not now), but because of that I lost confidence and believe in myself. So here I am, working as a receptionist because I think that's all I can do, and I am really too frighten that even if I move forward and try something else, sooner or later, people will find out that I am not that good at it... And for the record- I don't know ANYBODY who does what he/she wished for... so or the statistics are wrong, or we are surrounded but the wrong people (the loosers), hahahh

  2. Oh the singing embarrassment, I wouldn't dare sing in front of others (except family and close friends much to their annoyance)not even Karaoke! I would die of embarrassment even picturing it I feel the colour coming to my cheeks.

  3. oh non, me neither! I wouldn't dare. I sang in my bath, thinking that no ONE can hear me. I liked the acoustic in the bathroom. I must have sang very loud, because the granddad knocked to the door, and asked: "ho, ho ho, who is singing so beautifully?". I think, he was just very nice, because, let be honest, I was maybe 3-4 years old, and I thought I would die of embarrassment!

  4. The statistics are definitely a lie, first of all no one dreams to become a -let's say- marketing director, surveyor, administrator, sales manager etc etc. when they were kids. These jobs are too specific for a kids poor nugget and these are the 60% of the jobs available on the market. 90% of population probably dream of becoming either a singer, painter, dancer, astronaut, fireman, teacher, policeman or just paris hilton, any of the kardashians etc.
    They can only process what these are, at least they think that they can, so they dream about these jobs solely, all the other jobs are something we decide to do much later, mostly after graduating. And even the ones, who think that they are doing their dream job are the ones who didn't have many choices in life or who lack of imagination so they chose one of the options in front of them and fooled themselves thinking that they are doing their dream job.

    So yeah the statistics are bullshit, and yeah the losers do attract each other:)

    Ps: loving your style carry on writing more please,.

  5. PS: there is no one in this planet who haven't dreamed of becoming a singer, don't ask me why, it's just the way it is.

  6. Hahaha It seems so effortless right?(obviously provided you have the voice). :)

  7. just hang on there,you are following your path its all you can do!
