23 January 2013

Do you ever get that feeling?

Do you ever wake up with that feeling that that day something awful will happen?

You spend the day waiting for the 'nightmare phone call', you look at your boss and wonder if he has had a look at you internet history and the hours amount to most of your work day.  You check your diary to make sure an important date hasn't been missed, a credit card payment forgotten. You call a few people just to make sure all is well.  The day goes by with that horrible heart popping from your chest feeling and you go to bed in turmoil that perhaps that's it, you won't wake up. You look once more around you and hope for the best.

And then the next day you wake up and you are fine. What the hell is that? What is our body playing at? Why ruin a perfectly good day like that?

Is this an erroneous premonition type thing? If so I won't even trust a real one because there have been countless fake ones to no really ones. Perhaps it's only my premonition warning thingy that's broken. You tell me.


  1. Yes I do Yes I do Yes I do. At those days I behave well, i pay extra attention to whatever i am doing, i am being a good boy so no one can tell me off.. I think it's related to whatever we eat or don't eat that day but hey what do i know. :)

  2. I think a lot has to do with what we eat (not sure this is one of them hahaha). I will tell you what is related to what we eat,(or don't eat to be precise) my mood!! After yesterdays fasting (500 calorie malarkey) I am miserable and exhausted. :(

  3. It's a really strange feeling which from time to time is haunting me as well... Don't know the answer to that, but... I like your new blog design ;)
